Top Reasons on How Dental Plaque is Formed

Top Reasons on How Dental Plaque is Formed

Updated: January 25, 2022

One of the most common commercials that you see on tv or on the internet are ads for either a toothbrush, a toothpaste, or a mouthwash. There could even be some for teeth whitening, if fact, I’ve even seen one that whitens your teeth in 5 minutes. Preposterous, right? Not really.

But somehow, it doesn’t matter if we do the 3-minute brush or the regular flossing, plaque always finds a way to form. Well, here are the top reasons how dental plaque is formed–and prepare to be grossed out.

Plaque Formation

Plaque forms when foods which contain sugars and starches (basically carbohydrates), are usually left uncleaned and residing in your teeth. This is one of those gross parts. Bacteria that exist in your mouth flourish by feeding on these kinds of foods. And when these bacteria get enough time and more “nourishment”, they produce bad acids. Eventually, these acids start to damage the tooth enamel and this results in the build-up to the plaque formation.

Plaque can also happen under the gums, beyond your eye view and therefore escapes intensive cleaning and brushing. These can also create decay of the bone that supports your teeth. Some examples of these disgusting plaque-starters are milk, soda drinks, raisins, cakes, or that sweet confectionery. Wait, you were maybe expecting something else?

Bad Habits

Food is not the only cause of plaque formation. We all develop bad habits that if left unchecked and uncorrected would also contribute to the formation of plaque. Here’s a couple of them:

  1. No Brushing Routine

Perhaps when you have mints or mouth spray no will discern that you forgot to brush your teeth. Maybe they won’t, but you can’t deceive your teeth. The bacteria is still there and they aren’t leaving your mouth when they smell your mouth spray and the mints? Oh, they love those.

  1. What Floss?

So you brush your teeth, good for you. But unless you have those superpowered dentist’s rotor brushes, leftover food will still slowly find their way into those small crevices of your mouth. Toothbrushes won’t reach those cracks, but proper flossing will.

Healthy Teeth

Of course, it’s not all bad news. There are ways to reduce the possibility of plaque formation.

  1. Healthy Diet – Try a more balanced nutritional diet and really minimize those snacks in between meals. However, if you can’t live without munching on something every thirty minutes, why not have plain yogurt, fruits, or raw vegetables. In fact, raw vegetables like celery, aid in eliminating that stuck food in your mouth and therefore removing the acids.
  2. Brush Your Teeth – Duh! At least twice a day. There is no one method for everyone. Just remember not to brush too hard as they can be damaging to the gums. Moderate, round motions should do it. Rinse well. And use fluoride toothpaste as it’s proven to prevent decay.

Visit a Dentist

Visiting a dentist for a regular cleaning (those superpowered brushes are more effective) and bi-annual checkup is a great way to keep that dental plaque from destroying your teeth.

We always want our mouth smelling good and our teeth clean and healthy. And I don’t just mean being white on the outside but it should also include healthy gums and cavity-free. This starts with having no plaque in our mouth.

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